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- 2025-03-09 22:47 A Pile of Powerbooks
- Here's a collection of films that include Apple Powerbooks. The Don's Analyst has a 5300 and Hitman's Run has a 520c (and an incidental Commodore PET 2001 keyboard in a prop that has appeared in a number of places). Finally, The Omega Code and Town & Country both have Powerbook G3s.
- 2025-03-01 21:50 Ted K's Computers
- The film Ted K about the life of the Unabomber has a scene set in a computer store. In that you can see an Apple Macintosh, a Commodore Amiga 1000 and an Amiga 2000 and an IBM PC XT, PC AT and PS/2 Model 50/70. Later there is a scene in a library where an Apple Macintosh SE can be seen.
- 2025-02-09 15:13 All Apple IIs
- Here is a collection of Apple II appearances. Armageddon Time has a classroom of Apple IIs and "The Goldbergs" episode Crazy Calls also has a classroom full, this time of Apple II plus machines. An Apple II makes a brief appearance in Bones and All and acts as the TXL Series 4 computer in Today's Special.
- 2025-01-26 16:20 Laptop debutantes
- Continuing the laptop theme, here are some first-time appearances of laptops. Jungle 2 Jungle sees the first Compaq LTE Elite in the database, along with a Compaq Prolinea 3/4. Ghostbusters: Afterlife offers two new comers: the Dell Latitude E5520 and HP Stream (as well as the classic Casio PB-100). Finally the Acer Extensa 5620 makes its first appearance in Bad Ass.
- 2025-01-18 16:58 Laptops Laptops
- Here are some laptops. Shadow Conspiracy has a couple of Compaqs - an LTE and a Prolinea 3/4 and Interstellar has a Dell Latitude E6420 XFR. The "Murder, She Wrote" episode Family Secrets gives us our first Toshiba T3300SL and Easy A has a collection of Sony machines including two Starring-the-Computer debutantes, the Vaio CS and Vaio FW, as well as a Vaio JS.
- 2024-12-20 14:44 Somewhat Christmassy
- Here are a couple of films with tenuous links to Christmas. Abominable (snowmen... Christmas?) has an important role for an Apple Powerbook G4. Like the first film, Die Hard 2 is set on Christmas Eve and has a glimpse of an Apple Macintosh SE and a Starring-the-Computer debut from the Psion MC.
- 2024-12-01 14:57 Some PCs and a Mac
- Here's a selection of IBM PCs and an errant Mac. Look Who's Talking Too has a PS/2 in one scene and a PC AT plays a critical role in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Season 7, Episode 7. The PC XT makes a very brief appearance in Cape Fear and also Rivals (which also gives us a glimpse of a Macintosh Plus).
- 2024-11-10 20:48 60's Machines
- Here's a small collection of 1960's computers appearing in the 70s and 80s. Frankie and Johnnie... Were Lovers has some nice shots of a IBM System/360 model 30. Brief library shots of an RCA Spectra 70 appear in "The Bionic Woman" in the episode Jaime's Shield. Finally The Cannonball Run offers us shots of a panel from a GE 635.
- 2024-11-03 23:53 Various Commodores and a couple of others
- There is are Commodore 64 in an episode of Grange Hill and the "Wandavision" episode On a Very Special Episode.... There's an Commodore Amiga 1000 in Les visiteurs and an Commodore Amiga 500 in Robot Ninja. The "Pennyworth" episode Many Clouds has a PET 2001 and an Amstrad PCW 8256, and the "Halo" episode Reach has a 64C, a CBM-II and an Apple eMac.
- 2024-10-20 18:04 IBMs, an ICT and UNIVACs
- Here's a small collection of big iron. Charly has a couple of IBM machines: a 7094 and a System/360. There's a really hard to spot ICT 1301 panel in the "Doomwatch" episode No Room for Error. Finally the "Blake's 7" episode Space Fall (for which we had already recorded an ICT 1301) also has panels from a Sperry Univac 9400 and, making its Starring-the-Computer debut, the Sperry UNIVAC 9200/9300.
- 2024-09-15 23:13 Some Apples and a Fujitsu
- This update is mostly Apples with a Fujitsu debutante at the end. Basic Instinct 2 has an iMac G5 and a Powerbook G4, The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh has a Macbook Pro and the first episode of season six of The Flash has an eMac. Finally, Women Talking Dirty has a iMac G3 and, making its debut appearance, a Fujitsu Lifebook 656Tx.
- 2024-09-01 14:35 Much Avenging
- Here are three episodes of "The Avengers". The Wringer has panels from a ICT 1201. Second Sight has some shots on an NCR 315. Finally, Death at Bargain Prices, gives Starring the Computer its first and probably only appearance of the LEO 1 computer.
- 2024-08-18 14:46 The Day the Earth Stood in Motion
- The 2008 remake of the classic film The Day the Earth Stood Still gives the Motion Computing LE1700 its debut Starring-the-Computer appearance.
- 2024-07-28 17:33 Computers, ordenadores and datamaskiner
- Here's a collection of features in other languages. Scuola di ladri has a IBM System/370 panel, as does its sequel Parte seconda, along with a Commodore Amiga 1000. There's an Atari 65/130 XE in Quando Alice ruppe lo specchio. Patrik Pacard has a good collection of machines: an Apple IIe, a Commodore 64, a Olivetti M20 and a Tandy TRS-80 Model III. Irma Vep has an Apple Macintosh SE and Madres paralelas has more Apple machines: a Macbook Air, a Macbook Pro and a Unibody iMac.
- 2024-07-08 00:29 Some Tandys
- Here's a small collection of Tandy TRS-80 appearances. The TRS-80 Model I appears in an episode of Fridays and a few episodes of I'm a Big Girl Now. Air has the TRS-80 Model III and TRS-80 Model 4 as well as an Apple II and a Macintosh.
- 2024-06-23 11:47 Fortresses
- Here are some computer appearances in the film Fortress and its sequel Fortress: Sniper's Eye. The first film has an Apple Macbook Pro and some Unibody iMacs. Those iMacs also appear in the second film, along with a Panasonic Toughbook.