A Knight in Camelot (1998)
Among the few belongings sent back through time with Vivien is a Powerbook Duo that she uses to predict a solar eclipse, knowledge that saves her life.

The Duo was a line of small notebook computers, which lacked many of the common interfaces on laptops. Various docking stations were available to add additional ports.
•A Knight in Camelot (1998) •Drop Zone (1994) •Fled (1996) •Friends - Season 4, Episode 22, "The One with the Worst Best Man Ever" (1998) •Hackers (1995) •Home Improvement - Season 6, Episode 5, "Al's Video" (1996) •Most Wanted (1997) •Nash Bridges - Season 1, Episode 1, "Genesis" (1996) •NCIS - Season 6, Episode 13 (2009) •The Net (1995) •Species (1995) •Volcano (1997) •Wag the Dog (1997)
Among the few belongings sent back through time with Vivien is a Powerbook Duo that she uses to predict a solar eclipse, knowledge that saves her life.
The hacker uses a Powerbook to hack into the DEA's computers.
Dodge uses his girlfriends Powerbook Duo to communicate with his friend Puffy who is in possession of the vital disk.
Chandler has a Powerbook Duo at home in the apartment.
Kate's new laptop is a Powerbook Duo 280c. Eugene attempts to bribe Dade by sending him a new clear-cased Duo 280c.
Kate uses the Powerbook for all her hacking exploits.
Silly graphics, and of course this is the Apple that is infamously described as having the "new P6 chip".
Jill's new computer is a Powerbook Duo and just as she gets some work done on it, Tim comes along and destroys it by playing a game.
James and the other recruits use Powerbook Duos in their mission briefing, and later James recovers a Duo containing vital documents that prove his innocence.
Joe uses a Powerbook Duo as part of his surveillance equipment to monitor the sale of the computer chips.
McGee receives a parcel containing his old computers including a Powerbook Duo.
Angela's laptop, and the laptop lent to her by her ex-lover are Powerbook Duos.
Dr Baker uses a Powerbook 280c when trying to re-grow and alien without the influence of human DNA.
Dr. Barnes uses her Powerbook to calculate the speed of lava flowing beneath the city streets.
The president's team use Powerbook Duo 280c laptops.