Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Season 3, Episode 13, "User Deadly" (1988)
The killer uses his A1000 to taunt Jerry, giving him clues he is unable to interpret because of his lack of computer skills.

The Amiga 1000 (originally called simply the Commodore Amiga) was Commodore's first 16-bit computer having bought it wholesale from Amiga Computing, a company set up by one of the original designers of the Atari 800.
•Alfred Hitchcock Presents - Season 3, Episode 13, "User Deadly" (1988) •Amazing Stories - Season 2, Episode 12, "The Eternal Mind" (1986) •Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman (1989) •Blindside (1987) •Brain Dead (1990) •Chuck - Season 3, Episode 19, "Chuck Versus the Ring: Part II" (2010) •Computer Ghosts (1988) •Crash and Burn (1990) •Disorderlies (1987) •Family Viewing (1988) •Food of the Gods II (1989) •Future Past (1987) •Game Set and Match (1988) •Get Smart, Again! (1989) •Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) •Into the Homeland (1987) •Me Myself I (1999) •Miami Vice - Season 3, Episode 8, "Better Living Through Chemistry" (1986) •Miami Vice - Season 3, Episode 11, "Forgive Us Our Debts" (1986) •Not Quite Human (1987) •Operation: Zeitsturm (2008) •Prince of Darkness (1987) •The Real McCoy (1993) •Scuola di ladri - Parte seconda (1987) •Shakma (1990) •Sidekicks (1992) •Sledge Hammer! - Season 1, Episode 22, "The Spa Who Loved Me" (1987) •Sotto il vestito niente 2 (1988) •Stranger Things - Season 4, Episode 1, "Chapter One: The Hellfire Club" (2022) •Stranger Things - Season 4, Episode 6, "Chapter Six: The Dive" (2022) •Takeover (1987) •Ted K (2021) •The Tower (1993) •Les visiteurs (1993)
The killer uses his A1000 to taunt Jerry, giving him clues he is unable to interpret because of his lack of computer skills.
An Amiga 1000 is part of the computer system used for the mind transfer.
The Amigas appear in the lab where Kate has her bionics added.
Penfield stores records about his guests on his Amiga 1000.
Dr Martin has an Amiga 1000 in his lab that he uses to study the brain of Jack Halsey.
There is an Amiga 1000 in Chuck's dad's office.
Anya and Harlan each have Amiga 1000s on their desks, but they go unused
Arran uses the Amiga to recover a program to control a robot from floppy disk.
There's no keyboard attached to the machine.
Lowry calculates the full extent of his debts using an A1000, and another is in Albert's room apparently monitoring his heart.
Van's father hires a private detective to try and work out what Van is doing. The Amiga 1000 appears in the investigator's office.
Dr Hamilton uses his Amiga to study the growth hormone and to develop the antidote.
Harlan has a Amiga 1000 in his room that he uses for his experiments and through which he communicates with Billy.
Bernard is brought up to speed on events across the border by reading files on an Amiga 1000.
Commander Drury's secretary retrieves Maxwell Smart's file using the Amiga,
Feeling guilty for the loss of the pets, the father uses an A1000 at work to print out a wanted notice.
The white supremacists use a Commodore Amiga 1000 to communicate between their chapters and Tripp uses the system to discover the location of Jackson's daughter.
Married-Pamela has an ancient Amiga 1000 at home that she uses to write her articles.
Tubbs and Crocket's informer Izzy has an Amiga 1000 in his home.
Amiga 1000s appear at police headquarters and in the campaign offices of the DA.
Dr Carson's ex-employer instructs his henchman to take control of Chip which he does using a remote control unit hooked up to an Amiga 1000.
The A1000 appears in a pile of Commodore kit in Georg's attic.
The scientists use an Amiga 1000 to decode ancient texts.
Karen uses an Amiga 1000 to plan the bank robbery.
That's not an Amiga keyboard.
The safe on the ship is controlled using a Commodore Amiga 1000.
The students design the game using an Amiga 1000 and later Professor Sorenson, in his role as Games-master, directs the players using an Amiga.
Barry's father, a computer programmer, has an A1000 in the kitchen for some reason.
It's only just visible in the bottom left of this shot.
Detective Doreau uses an Amiga 1000 to generate a picture of a terrorist suspect.
The police detective in charge of the case has an A1000 on his desk that he uses to determine the true identity of the American models.
Dustin gets his hacker friend Suzie to break into the Hawkins school computer using her Amiga 1000 to change his failing grades.
Suzie uses her Amiga 1000 to connect to the modem on the number given to them by the Sam's agent and find the location of project Nina.
The file Suzie accesses includes snippets of HTML that did not exist in 1986.
George gives Harvey an Amiga 1000 as a present in hospital which he uses to hack the hospital's computer system, and later to download the George 1 program.
Ted visits a computer store as part of a plan to bomb its owner. One of the computers on sale is an Amiga 1000.
A black Amiga 1000 is the workstation in Tony's office. Frustrated with its inflexibility, Tony modifies it by adding his own music chip.
It's black, the monitor and keyboard are wrong, and the chip Tony replaces doesn't exist.
The husband of Godefroy's descendent is a dentist who has an Amiga 1000 in his office.