Booker - Season 1, Episode 13, "Hacker" (1990)
Fellow hacker Penny helps Booker rescue her friend Duncan by using her Zenith Supersport to turn a series of traffic lights green and by killing the local power grid at a crucial moment.

This was one of the earliest laptop computers as we would recognise them today, with the clamshell design. Although very bulky by modern standards it was small and light compared to other "portable" computers of the day.
•Booker - Season 1, Episode 13, "Hacker" (1990) •Bugs - Season 1, Episode 2, "Assassins Inc." (1995) •Dutch (1991) •Her Alibi (1989) •The Hunt for Red October (1990) •She-Devil (1989) •Step By Step - Season 1, Episode 13, "Getting Organized" (1991) •Think Big (1989)
Fellow hacker Penny helps Booker rescue her friend Duncan by using her Zenith Supersport to turn a series of traffic lights green and by killing the local power grid at a crucial moment.
A Supersport appears in Irene's supercomputer centre.
Doyle has a Supersport in his room at school, which he is seen cleaning but not otherwise using.
Phil uses his Zenith to write the novel.
Jack Ryan uses his Supersport to research Russian submarines.
Mary uses her pink Supersport to write her novels.
Carol replaces Frank's rather haphazard paper filing system with a computerised system using a Zenith Supersport.
The Supersport is used without its battery or an external power connection.
Holly takes a Supersport with her on the run and uses it to book some air tickets.
It is used in a moving truck, where there would be no power and nowhere to plug in the modem.