Apple Macbook Pro
During the trial, Carsten uses a Macbook Pro to facetime with his daughter.
It seems to be turned off half of the time.

In mid-nineties Berlin, an artist and hacker create a new way of visualising the world with computer graphics. After Google effectively steal their invention for Google Earth they reunite to sue the tech giant.
•Apple Macbook Pro •Apple Powerbook G3 •SGI Indigo2 •SGI Indy •SGI O2 •SGI Onyx •SGI Origin 2000
During the trial, Carsten uses a Macbook Pro to facetime with his daughter.
It seems to be turned off half of the time.
Carsten uses a Powerbook G3 in the Terravision offices.
The Terravision offices are equipped with Indigo 2s.
Carsten uses an Indy as part of a failed art installation and he and Juri later use one to pitch their ideas to Deutsche Telekom. The Terravision offices are also equipped with the machines.
The are O2s in the offices of SGI.
Carsten and Juri break into a computing facility to use an SGI Onyx so that Juri can demonstrate his texture mapping techniques. They later purchase a larger Onyx system for the Terravision project.
An Origin 2000 is visible when Carsten and Juri visit SGI.