Apple iMac G3
Mac G3s appear in the offices of the newspaper and in a computer store and Io has one on her desk at home with which she does her homework.

Godzilla returns to Tokyo at the time as a mysterious alien craft also appears.
•Apple iMac G3 •Apple Power Macintosh G3 (Blue & White) •Compaq Presario 5100 •SGI Indy •Sony Vaio C1
Mac G3s appear in the offices of the newspaper and in a computer store and Io has one on her desk at home with which she does her homework.
A Power Macintosh G3 appears in a computer shop.
CCI use Compaq Presario 5100 machines in their laboratories, using them to examine the alien life form.
SGI Indys appear in city tower inside an office that Katagiri's team places bombs in.
Yuki uses a VAIO C1X for her journalism and notices data steadily disappearing from it. She later uses it in Tokyo Opera City Tower to determine the alien's intentions.