Atari ST
Gordon has an Atari ST has part of his setup in the garage, although he prefers to use his Commodore 64s.

With the sale of Cardiff Electric Joe gets engaged and goes to work for an oil company while Donna and Cameron run an on-line games company called Mutiny.
•Atari ST •Commodore 64 •IBM 3090 •IBM PC XT •Zenith Z-120
Gordon has an Atari ST has part of his setup in the garage, although he prefers to use his Commodore 64s.
Mutiny develops its games on a fleet of Commodore 64s.
Westgroup Energy has an IBM 3090 mainframe which Joe uses for timesharing.
Mutiny's constantly-struggling on-line system is run on a motley collection of IBM PC XTs.
Cameron has a Z-120 in her office at Mutiny.