American Gods - Season 2, Episode 4, "The Greatest Story Ever Told" (2019)
A young Mr Xie programs a Macintosh Classic to compose music based on that of Bach.

The Classic was Apple's low-end offering from 1990, and was the first Mac to sell for less than $1000 making it a popular choice in the education sector.
•American Gods - Season 2, Episode 4, "The Greatest Story Ever Told" (2019) •Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction - Season 3, Episode 9, "Precious" (1999) •Bigbug (2022) •The Challenger Disaster (2019) •Chuck - Season 1, Episode 1 (2007) •Der schöne Tag (2001) •Extant - Season 2, Episode 10, "Don't Shoot the Messenger" (2016) •Frasier - Season 1, Episode 23, "Frasier Crane's Day Off" (1994) •Full House - Season 7, Episode 24, "A House Divided" (1994) •The Hardy Boys - Season 2, Episode 1, "A Disappearance" (2022) •The Midnight Club - Season 1, Episode 1, "The Final Chapter" (2022) •NCIS - Season 6, Episode 13 (2009) •The Sasquatch Gang (2006) •Snobs - Season 1, Episode 8 (2003) •Stranger in the House (1997)
A young Mr Xie programs a Macintosh Classic to compose music based on that of Bach.
Wendy has a Macintosh Classic in her room.
Jennifer uses Nina's Mac Classic to connect to a vintage computer in a museum to make a misguided call for help to the Yonyx robots.
An Apple Macintosh Classic appears in the contractor's offices.
The Classic did not appear until a few years after the events in this film.
Rather unbelievably, "The Intersect" computer is in fact an Apple Mac Classic.
There are so many things I could mention here, but let's pick on just one technicality: the Intersect has a colour display, but the Classic is black and white.
Deniz has a Mac Classic in her apartment.
There is a Mac Classic in the bunker that Molly and others hide in.
Frasier has a Mac Classic in his room.
There's a Mac Classic in Donna Jo's room (that Michelle and her friends have made look slanted in an attempt to put off the buyer).
The school classroom is equipped with a number of computers including Apple Macintosh Classics.
Ilonka does her research on a Macintosh Classic at the hospital.
McGee receives a parcel containing his old computers including a Mac Classic.
McGee, despite announcing it as the first computer he every owned, believes it to be a Mac SE.
Gavin, the leader of the nerd group, has an Apple Classic in his room although he never uses it.
One of the items that Marian hope to recycle is an old Macintosh Classic.
Joanna's mother has a Macintosh Classic in her home office.