2010: The Year We Made Contact (1984)
The Russian ship, the Leonov, is equipped with Honeywell 6000 panels.

The 6000 was a series of 36-bit mainframe computers developed from General Electrics GE-600 series after GE's computer business was sold to Honeywell.
•2010: The Year We Made Contact (1984) •All the Troubles of the World (1978) •Death Spa (1989) •DeepStar Six (1989) •Doctor Who - Season 18, "Logopolis" (1981) •Murder is Easy (1982)
The Russian ship, the Leonov, is equipped with Honeywell 6000 panels.
A Level 66 computer stands in as Multivac itself.
There are only very close shots of the machine.
The main computer that controls the health spa uses Honey 6000 panels.
DeepStar Six is equipped with Honeywell 6000 panels.
The mathematicians of Logopolis use a computer made in part of Honeywell 6000 panels to record and communicate the details about the Tardis.
Luke uses the university's Level 66 computer to predict the identity of the murderer.