Knight Rider - Season 1, Episode 10, "The Final Verdict" (1982)
The Superbrain is seen very fleetingly in the office where Marty works.

The Superbrain was a 1979 CP/M computer featuring two Z80 microprocessors.
•Knight Rider - Season 1, Episode 10, "The Final Verdict" (1982) •Knight Rider - Season 1, Episode 18, "White Bird" (1983) •The Thing (1982)
The Superbrain is seen very fleetingly in the office where Marty works.
The Superbrain appears in the headquarters of the Foundation, where it is used to recall images of a suspect from KITT's memory.
The Superbrain was not capable of high-resolution graphics.
Blair uses the Superbrain to analyse samples from The Thing from which he estimates that it will take over the world in about three years.
The Superbrain did not have the graphics capability that is shown here.