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Apple Powerbook G3

The Powerbook G3 was Apple's professional line of laptops between 1997 and 2000 and, perhaps unsurprisingly, was powered by the PowerPC G3 processor.

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Antitrust (2001)

One of Milo's friends at the start-up, Skullbocks, used his Powerbook G3 to monitor their web site's performance and to view a video news feed.

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Importance: **
Realism: *****
It looks like the G3 is running Linux.

Visibility: ***

The Core (2003)

Computer hacker Finch is hired to prevent knowledge of the impending disaster from getting out and causing public panic. He does this, and later leaks the story after the success of the mission to the Earth's core using his Powerbook G3.

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Importance: ****
Realism: ****
Visibility: ****

Ghost World (2001)

A customer at the coffee shop where Rebecca works gets a free coffee by looking up the answer to the trivia question on his Powerbook G3.

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Importance: **
Realism: ****
Visibility: ***

House on Haunted Hill (1999)

Stephen Price, the millionaire asmusement park owner, writes a guest list for the party on his Powerbook, which subsequently mysteriously changes to a list of seemingly random people.

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Importance: ****
Realism: ***
Visibility: ***

On the Beach (2000)

G3s make a couple of appearances. Mary uses her laptop to research the progress of the radiation and to communicate with Peter. A solar-powered G3 in an Anchorage newsroom raises the hopes of the submarine's crew with its garbled transmissions.

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Importance: ***
Realism: ****
Thar solar panel is pretty tiny.

Visibility: ****

Teknolust (2002)

Ruby, one of Rosetta's SRAs has a boyfriend with a Powerbook. Also the doctors investigating the virus have a similar machine.

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Importance: ****
Realism: ****
Visibility: ***

Trapped (2002)

Karen, mother of the abducted child, desperately tries to communicate with her husband using the family's Powerbook, but the kidnappers have severed its internet connection.

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Importance: **
Realism: *****
Visibility: ***