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Apple Powerbook G4

The last in the Powerbook line of laptops, the G4 was named after the PowerPC G4 processor that powered it and was produced between 2001 and 2006.

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Café Lumière (2003)

Yoko befriend a bookshop owner called Hajime who records the sounds of the railway for a hobby. He shows Yoko some graphic art he has created on his Powerbook that represents his relationship with the railways.

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Daredevil (2003)

A journalist investigating the devil visits a friend at the morgue who has evidence to offer. This friend briefly uses a Powerbook G4.

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Sahara (2005)

One of Dirk's compatriots uses a Powerbook G4 to illustrate to the authorities the danger of toxins spreading from the Niger River.

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School of Rock (2003)

One of the kids, Gordon, has a Powerbook in the classroom and later uses it to control the lights and visual effects at the battle of the bands competition.

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The Stepford Wives (2004)

Joanna uses her Powerbook G4 to research the background of the Stepford wives, discovering that they all had positions of responsibility before moving to Stepford.

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