Commodore PET 2001 in Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan (1982)
The Pet (I can't be sure of the model, but my guess is the original 2001) is part of Kirk's antique collection.
Would it really still be working after 300 years?
It is there, in the background!

Joe Cassara
"Would it really still be working after 300 years?" If they can transplant Spock's brain, they can certainly keep a Commodore running well into the 23rd century. ;)
2009-08-07 09:04
Seeing as it's part of his antiques collection, I'm sure Kirk himself would keep it working.
2010-07-06 10:25
Ed Venture
May have been an inside joke as Shatner shilled for Commodore at one time.
2011-03-16 20:02
Perhaps it was replicated?
2011-03-29 19:15
Since it had blue text on black background, it has to be model 2001 being used in the movie. only the 2001 used this scheme. All other PET had green text instead.
2015-10-24 14:28
Capt'n Pirk
The commodore could definitely still be working after 300 years. Hobbyists already replace capacitors/other components, and reproduction boards have been made of retrocomputers already. The monitor would be the hard part - a CRT monitor would be quite the rarity centuries later.
2016-03-09 09:22
Erik Rhodes
Here I am, 10:46pm on a Sunday night, glass of wine, avoiding the fact that tomorrow the week whirlwind starts back up with 5 year old and long commute to job after I drop her off...why, a little Star Trek II streamed along with my wine and -- what the heck, I never noticed that computer in the back of Kirk's apartment when he's bemoaning over a glass of Romulan Ale with Bones. I saw this movie when it came out and I was 12 years old, 1982, now I'm 48 years old, and I never noticed that machine back there against the window. I thought "Commodore PET!! That's a Commodore PET!" Mind you, old as Iyam, the PET is before my time, the Vic-20 was the rage by the time I become computer aware-obsessed. But I do recognize it from the pictures in Byte and Personal Computer magazines. That is the Commodore PET. A quick Google and I see you were all here working on the problem as far back as 2009 -- it's 2018 for me now. Nice to meet you all my compatriots. It was a PET. :)
2018-09-24 08:47
Yes, its a 2001-4 or 2001-8.
2021-04-13 21:55