Apple Powerbook Duo in The Net (1995)
Angela's laptop, and the laptop lent to her by her ex-lover are Powerbook Duos.
Angela's laptop, and the laptop lent to her by her ex-lover are Powerbook Duos.
Well It looks more like it is a PowerBook 540/540c. The trackpad first came with those products, the Duo modells (witch is the computer her ex-lover has got) just hade the scroll.
2012-02-28 21:25
Tom is correct. Angela's laptop is a PowerBook 540c. The one that Alan gave to her to use was a Duo.
2012-03-26 19:28
Which number powerbook duo was used? Some film people are saying a 2300 was used? Is this true?
2014-01-18 11:36
Both Angela and Jack had the PowerBook 540c. The PowerBook Duo Alan lent her was the PowerBook Duo 280c.
2014-10-04 17:07